Friday, September 25, 2009

bring on the fun, moving trucks, birthday parties, and dont forget to ditch the car

We are finally in Boston! Since I graduated in May of 2008, I have moved from the South to the North East Coast to the North West Coast only to end up back in New England again. All too much moving in 1.5 years! If only I could get this desire to be back in Texas out of my body I would be happy to settle here for a bit-- just to avoid being uprooted once again.
Seth and I are moving into our new apartment in Brookline this coming Thursday. We will be sharing our space with a girl named Bib and her daughter Madeleine who will soon be 3 years old. It only took 3 months of searching to find a place--a place a might add that will cost me $675/month to live in! I know, I know. I have been spoiled by the cheap prices found in Texas. But, it still hurts!
Seth is attending The Lincoln School-- a public school!-- in Brookline that has turned out to be much better than I had feared. Of course it is not the Sudbury Valley School, but his teacher, Mrs. Mortara, is sweet and truly cares about the children. The worst he has said was this: "Everyone does the same thing at the same time! It is sooo boring". Ok, I know. That is pretty bad. But, he doesnt resist going to school in the morning. I take that as a good sign and I am going with it. It helps with my sanity.
Last weekend was Seth's Birthday. Nic picked us up and took us to Vermont to celebrate. Many of Seth's friends from Hilltop Montessori came out to the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center (where Nic lives) and stayed for games, treasure hunts, and the chocolate raspberry cake Kacy made. BEEC is a child's dream. Nic drew a treasure map for the kids, leading them up a hill to a spectacular view, then onto the Forrest through hiking trails, and finally to where little lean-to like shelters were. There, treasure was hidden! The kids had a blast and so did I!
This weekend Nic, and a couple of his friends, are celebrating their birthdays (also at BEEC). Sadly, I will not be attending. Nic has declined to pick me up from Boston, even though it is merely 3 hours away. This brings me to the topic of car withdrawals. I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I now rely on public transportation. Of course there is the subway which is fantastic! Beats taking the bus for sure. I actually prefer it to driving because I can read and relax. But, I cant just hop in the car and drive to Vermont, or Cambridge, or to Target! Which is good, because I dont NEED to go to Target. But right now, I want to! Probably because I cant. And everyone knows I want what I cant have. Which goes with not being easily satisfied.
I almost forgot about my internship! I am interning M-Th 9-1:30pm at the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy in Downtown Boston. It has only been a couple of weeks, but I must say I think I am really going to enjoy working there. So much in fact, I may not mind working for free! It is very different than my last internship, but it is more comfortable. It feels more like what I was doing/learning at SIT. I am very grateful I found an internship that is working toward something I feel connected to and have a passion for.