Monday, September 22, 2008

Hello Birthdays, Goodbye OB1

This week too has flown by. OB1 ended with a presentation, a group paper, and a critical incident report. My team and I did an awesome job presenting if I say so myself! We started off introducing an activity where we blindfolded the participants and had them form a square while holding onto a rope. To make things more interesting we removed 5 people from the group, without the participants knowledge, and had them observe. The activity was an example of experiential learning. I could go on with all the details, but I would really rather not :-)

Seth's party on Sunday was a blast. While SIT students for the most part were still writing critical incident papers, a few of them took a break and had fun with the kids. A lot of people equaled a lot of fun! We played Fox and Chickens, had a sack race, and ate lots of yummy food! And we beat to death a pinata--although it took some effort.

It seems that Seth has a crush on a little girl named Lucy. He told me as I was making out invitations, "Mama, will you invite Lucy? She is only 4, but we play art together". At his party, I go to meet Lucy. She is very cute and vaguely resembles Kaia. He did a great job of capturing her attention too. He climbed a tree, scratched up his arms a bit, and then introduced her to Wilbur saying "Come see MY dog!". He was pretty cute.

Today is Nic's birthday and he has been at Marlboro all day. We took him out to Panasian last night to celebrate. Like always, the food was yummy :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Week of School

Last Monday officially marked the beginning of Kacy and my graduate experience, Nic's continuing undergraduate pursuit, and Seth's adjustment to a new school once again. I can say, without a doubt, that my experience has been an interesting one to say the least. The short, two week intro class on multicultural groups is more like 5th grade art class and high school team work than an actual graduate course. However, I am confident that the class serves a purpose and will somehow aid in our course work to come--if only providing a smooth transition.
So far, my team has created a shield of awareness and a cube of effectiveness using creativity, team values, and markers. Our group has danced together, grabbed each others fingers, played information gathering bingo, silently arranged ourselves by our birth date, separated ourselves into definite and not so definite groups, and essentially had awkward fun. I have a feeling Seth may have participated in similar activities.
As of yet, I have not spoke extensively with Seth's teacher Ms. Melissa. That is not because I have not desired to do so, but simply because Nic has been the one to pick up Seth from school everyday. However, I have been informed Seth is adjusting very well and has even been elected the class monster at recess--something I was told not to be concerned about. He seems to like his class and his classmates. But again, he is quiet and does not say much when probed. Hopefully, after I have a meeting with his teacher next week, I will be able to expand on the details of Seth's school days.
Nic, also a quiet person, I believe to be carrying a pretty sizable load. He is already reading a lot and spending a fair amount of time in the closet which he converted into an office. Something only Nic would do in a house with a office already designed and ready for use. But I have to admit, the closet is pretty sweet the way he has it arranged.
Kacy has a position at a high school in Orange (I think) as a student teacher in English-- something she is excited about after thinking she had to teach 5th grade. She will also have long days in her intensive program, but at least she will be doing something she likes. It seems everyone is happy and positive this first week in-- hopefully we can keep it that way!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mad Scientist

Wow! What a week, and it has only just begun. We all had our first day of school on Tuesday and will continue at our fast pace for at least the next year :) Seth is adjusting well I believe. His teacher is really nice and seems to think he is fitting in. At home is another story... Seth is a Mad Scientist: a stage where he experiments with different ways to get out of punishments or obligations; essentially being obstinate. Kacy started reading Love and Logic, and I think I will be following shortly. I am familiar with the method, however, I am sure the book will be of help.