Monday, June 16, 2008

Winding Down

The weeks seem to be slowing down a bit as our long return home approaches and not much activity has been going on. However, we do have some good news and decisions have finally been made. I have chosen the Montessori school for Seth for a few good reasons, the main reason being that it is Montessori-- he is used to it, and I know I love it. The familiarity will help with the transition as well. The other reason being that despite its lack of family feel outside from the teachers, the administrative is nicer and more enjoyable than The Neighborhood Schoolhouse. It was slightly scary to pick any private school in Brattleboro because of the high tuition prices and I was wondering how I was ever going to be able to afford such prices (around $8,000 per year). We will figure something out I am sure, and my grandpa agreed to help us out quite a but-- something that I am very appreciative of.

In other good news, we got the house! It is a beautiful house near downtown. It has four bedrooms, a huge kitchen with a walk in pantry, a laundry room with a washer and dryer, a nice backyard with ample space for gardens, as well as a forested area, and a ready made compost just to mention a few things. We sign the lease on Wednesday and move in at the end of August! We are pretty excited, I only wish we could move in now.
Instead we are moving into a storage shed across the street. It couldn't have worked out better because now we do not have to drive anywhere to move out of the apartment. Moving has been a slow and tedious process, and with only 9 more days here we will be going crazy before it is all over.
As a little side note, Nic and Seth made a raft yesterday afternoon and played with it in the brook out back. Seth is in love and he couldn't be cuter riding on his raft, living out Nic's childhood dream.

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