Thursday, October 9, 2008

Red, orange, and yellow

It is here! The leaves are changing colors, the air is crisp and cool--it can only mean one thing: fall. I have been waiting patiently to experience a Vermont fall, and so far it has been wonderful. I can tell in a few weeks or so it really will represent the best of Vermont.

This last weekend, we found time for a hiking trip in Keene, NH. We hiked a loop that led to a small lake, or pond. There, we relaxed, took pictures, and forgot about school for an afternoon.
At home, things are going well. We have yet to figure out our heat, and spend the early mornings and late evenings freezing. We also do not have a television and are coping with the lack of easily accessible information regarding the political issues surrounding the election. Maybe one less thing to stress about is good though considering our tight schedules.

The dynamics of the house are setting in, routines are being established, and relationship issues are being worked out. Seth is trying to play on the fact there are many "parental"roles in the house, while Nic is finding a balance between being an "authority figure" and "big brother". I am also working on incorporating Nic and Kacy's role in maintaining peace and respect in the house. Overall, I feel we are adjusting well and becoming comfortable in the process. One thing is for sure though, we need to have more fun!!

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